
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

43 more days

I have had this countdown of days for months now... I can't believe the time is going so fast.  I am still in shock that I am making my goal... there are a few bumps this last week but bumps are part of the process.

Someone asked me the other day as to how I started and finished my goals.

I think it is just being determined like I had said in an earlier post of goals and making my life revolve around this goal of this being the year of my new adventure.  I named 2012 The Year of the RV in January.

To be honest I am in shock with myself.  I have accomplished a lot in  my life if I look back objectively... but there is still a part of me that says I haven't done anything with my life... that mean little part of me that is becoming more and more silent as I am growing stronger.

I can't believe I worked hard and actually bought my trailer and in the time frame I said I was going to.  I told myself in May I was going to raise enough money to order my trailer by the end of August/first week of September... I did just that.  I ordered my trailer the last week of August and paid in full the first week of September.  I have purchased what is needed for Blue and myself to get this trip going... now is just a waiting game.  I have to wait for everything to come in which should all be in the next few weeks and I have to get Blue fixed up and ready for travel which will happen hopefully next week.

There have been a few snags along the way.   Waiting for this doggie carrier is still a fight... I am hoping it will be done this week.  The trailer is going to be a week or 2 late but I told them I have a party in the planning for October 14 so I have to have it before then.  And then of course trying to find a good mechanic to get Blue ready to pull the trailer and for travel.  That is always difficult.  But it is all happening and I just can't believe it.  I feel like I am living in some sort of parallel universe.  Even on the days of frustration I still have a huge smile on my face because it is going to happen.

43 more days and I will be on the road.

First I will be making my way to visit my parents.  I haven't seen them since my graduation road trip in April 2010.  They live in Kentucky.  Then I am heading straight south and going west.  Maybe end up in California for a bit... but I figure it might take me all winter just to get to California and I am good with that.  I have no deadlines of being anywhere so I am in no hurry.  I am going to see as much as I can and just take life one day at a time... end up wherever I end up... well I guess I will never really end anywhere since I don't plan to settle in one place for too long.

43 more days until the life of endless possibilities.


  1. I think you should visit your nephew and grandparents on your way to CA. :) We miss you - and your journey sounds amazing! I can't wait to hear more about it! And I'm totally not 'unknown', but google is refusing to recognize me today. Their loss!

    1. It is in my mind if the weather cooperates to stop by and say hi. :)
