
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

September 11

I do remember like many others where I was September 11, 2001. For me September 11, 2007 is more on my heart today. I was back home at my grandmas house in Milford Nebraska spending the last moments with my grandma who died that evening of brain cancer. We just flipped to the news that was showing coverage of 9/11. Being by her side during her last breaths was the most precious moment of my life.

A little over a month later I decided it was time to live my life and I took the weekend motorcycle class and bought Blue. I wish she was here so I could show her Blue and share my new adventure with her but I know she is with me.

My mom gave me a bell for Blue that belonged to my grandma and I hear it ring when I miss her the most. (it is good luck to have a small bell on your motorcycle) I sing hymns while out on Blue and imagine her singing with me.

Miss you! Love you! Wish you were here!

BlueRoad: Grand Women from Jaclyn Heyen on Vimeo.

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