
Friday, October 5, 2012

Crocheting time

I am a manic crocheter and I have been going a bit crazy because I haven't had the time or the light to crochet as much as I usually do.  I finally had a day yesterday to catch up on orders and today while rendering video I have been able to crochet all day.  The world feels right again. :)  You can see some of my crochet creations at

I started planning my BlueRoad House Warming Party.  Anyone who wants to come is welcome.  It will be October 21 from 12-3pm.  Most likely at Kingston Point in Kingston, NY.  It will be pot luck so bring your favorite dish.  Also if you have a good camping one pot meal you can bring that or send me the recipe.  Remember I don't really cook and have limited kitchen supplies and probably no refrigeration.  No house warming presents but if you feel you need to bring something you can bring a gas card or gas money... that is all I am needing for my new home.

During this House Warming you will be able to see my Little Guy Rascal Trailer, Blue and hopefully the Adapted Doggie Carrier.  Hopefully I will have the time to decorate my trailer so come by and check out what one can do with a trailer and some yarn. :)

Hope to see you there!!

26 More Days!!

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