
Sunday, October 21, 2012

So much to do so little time

Time is running low as I leave November 1.  I still have to figure out what I am bringing with me... what I am shipping to my parents house and what I am leaving behind.  I also have to finish my crochet cover for my trailer.  Then of course there is everything at work I need to do and be sure is ready for me to leave.  10 days will go quickly and I will be tired but then I will mosey my way to my parents house for hopefully a little bit of rest.

Today I had a House Warming/Going Away party for myself  I have a few friends come and it was a beautiful day.  I am very thankful.  Tomorrow I am giving a presentation for work at the Cerebral Palsy Association of New York Conference in Saratoga Springs.  Should be a great conference.

Soo much to do ... soo little time to get it all done. Life is good.

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