
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Can they ever get it right?

Today my dad and I took the trailer down to Nashville to get the solar connector and windows fixed.
The weather wasn't too fabulous with rain and a bit chilly so we pulled the trailer with my dad's truck... 

look how tiny my home looks with his big truck. hehe

You can barely see my trailer from the back window.

We dropped off the trailer and the parts and went off to wander around Opry Mills while we waited.
They said it would be about 2 hours to get it all done and they were true to their word.  They call us to tell us it was finished and we went to pick it up.  My dad and I walked out to look at the trailer and were trying to figure out where the solar quick connector was located and we couldn't find it.  So I opened up the trailer and there it was.

He put a whole in the plate that cover the battery... which is inside the trailer... under where the mattress would be located.  I of course said this wasn't correct and I was a bit frustrated it was done so badly... the plate was not flush against the floor like it use to be... there was an extra hole in the plate and it didn't make any sense to me why you would put it there.

I called the sales person I have been dealing with at Little Guy and he gave me the number for an engineer at the Little Guy factory.  My dad called to get instructions as to where it goes and discussed the frustration I have had with this trailer. 

Little Guy called to make the appointment for these things that should of been done before I received the trailer to be finished up by this Camping World we were at... but they didn't inform them how to install the solar connector so the technician did it like he does all the other solar connectors... of course mine would be different.

So my dad and I had to wait another 3+ hours to get my trailer done.  

I felt really bad because the technician at the Camping World ended up getting chewed out by the Little Guy sales person.  This of course was happening before he fixed my trailer.  The technician was so upset I really thought he was going to cry... Little Guy upset the technician who is suppose to drill a hole in the side of my trailer.  I was extremely nervous.

I really love my home but I am getting a little tired of all the frustration and time wasted getting things finished that should of been done before the trailer was even delivered.

This was a Little Guy mistake and they should be taking all the responsibility... even the mistake of this technician.  If you aren't going to finish what you are suppose to finish and have someone install without instructions they have no right to get angry or chew out anyone.

I am writing an email to Little Guy today about all of my frustrations and tell them they need to apologize to the technician who worked on my trailer.

These are really great trailers and I think I must have hit a weird time for all of this stuff to happen but I have deadlines and things need to be finished.

I still don't have all the parts for my 10x10 screen tent that is suppose to attach to the trailer.  It sure seems like I paid full price for a tent that was used in a show room or something as it came in an open box and pieces are missing. 

As I have stated before ....  soo not impressed.

Luckily I am with my dad so he is going to clean up this messy work from the upset technician and will help me install the snaps to the trailer for my tent... if I ever get them. :/

gooo all over it. :/

It is always frustrating, as a woman, that it takes my dad to call the place to get things done.  I have been on their case for over 3 months and can't get the basic things done.  Little Guy... Women know what they are talking about just as much as any man.

Luckily the day wasn't a total waste... on the way home my dad got to pick up a cement mixer from a friend in Nashville... he has been waiting to do that for awhile now. 

And to end the day... a hug from Nube

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