
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Turkey Day

Sorry I have been such a slacker on posting... It sure isn't from lack of things to post about... Just pure laziness I guess. :)

It was quite nice spending Thanksgiving with my parents. I haven't spent a holiday with them in over 5 years and probably 10 plus years since being with them on Turkey Day. I thoroughly enjoyed the food which is probably a first with my parents since my eating disorder. My favorite part of the meal is the chocolate pie... Not pumpkin. Not a big fan of anything pumpkin. Just a simple dream whip chocolate pie and I am in heaven. The turkey and sides were quite fabulous to.

The weather was great and the afternoon was spent putting up Xmas decorations... Will have pictures in next post. My parents 2 trees in the front yard finally began to change and drop their leaves and they were beautiful.

Hope you all are having a wonderful holiday season thus far.

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