
Friday, December 21, 2012

Patti's Settlement

Last week my mom and a friend went to a farewell lunch at Patti's Settlement in Grand Rivers, KY.  Christmas spit up everywhere... but it wasn't tacky.  I don't know how they did it because I have never seen that many decorations put together before.  Here are some pictures of the room we had lunch in.

Sorry the pictures aren't so good... I really need to remember to bring my camera with me... one day.

It was quite funny because later in the lunch I started seeing those possessed elves everywhere.. I didn't notice them right away.  Kind of freaked me out because that elf on the shelf thing is just freaky... nightmares. haha... I think it replaced the creepy gnomes as the creepiest thing ever.  I honestly think those elves came into the room after we arrived to watch me.  I really have been good this year. ;)

This is a really great place and you could spend quite a lot of time here.  They have shops, miniature golf, animals a playground and who knows what else.  We were there during the day but they deck out the entire grounds with Christmas lights and such.  They had a gazebo full of Christmas tress.  I of course had to get my picture taken with all of that.

I really enjoyed my time with my parents in Kentucky.  Met some really nice people and learned how to play Bunko and Canasta... I should be set for any RV park I stay at. ;)

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Windy day

I started my travels but today I am staying put.  Very windy out there so I am having a day napping, crocheting and watching movies with my boys.  It is nice and relaxing traveling and not really having to be anywhere right away.  I was going to go a short ways today but winds are 20+ mph with up to 45mph gusts... went thru that getting to Kentucky thru Sandy and I have to say sometimes I ignore warning and keep on trucking but today I think it will be all good to just relax... what a fabulous thing about having all of your home with you... you can just stop and not have to worry about a thing.

I was so proud of myself because I backed Blue and our home into a parking spot... it took about 10 minutes but I did it!!

My drive yesterday was relaxing for the most part.  I had a small part where I was going in circles as I kept telling myself I was going to look at the map... haha... but I found my way.

I'm excited to be able to spend Christmas with my brother.  We always have a good time... I hope he likes my new home. :D  He said he wants to spend the night so it will be quite fun.  Can't wait!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Hitting the Road

I am packing, packing, packing and getting ready to hit the road!  Hopefully I will be on the road sometime Wednesday.  Excited to go visit my brother for Christmas.  I have a few days to get there so I will meander my way and see what I can see.  This time I am more organized so hopefully all will be good.  I also have my tent and everything I need to go off the map for a few days which could be fun.

My dad put some lettering on the back on my trailer to promote this blog and my BlueRoad project.

So if you see me on the road be sure to give a wave.  If you take a picture please post on my Facebook page or post where you spotted me I would love to know.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Only a few more days

Today I finally got Blue licensed and ready to go.  My dad is making a shelf for my computer in the trailer and that is done and just needs to be put in.  Now I have to finish a few crochet items and some other work and I will be ready to go.

I will probably leave somewhere between Sunday and Tuesday depending on the weather.  Right now it looks like Sunday will be the warmest and driest day.  I will sure miss playing Canasta and Bunko with the ladies and spending time with my parents but I am really excited to get on the road again.  I can't wait for new adventures and meeting new people.

My boys have been quite attached to me lately.  Randall is in my parents spare bedroom all day cause my mom doesn't like cats but as soon as I go to bed he is attached to my side.  Poco and Nube have to touch me all day long... lately sitting on the couch Nube has been laying right on top of Poco... not sure why.  Guess he wants to get closer to me.  hehe

Nube stayed right on top of Poco until I moved. 

and another day of Nube laying on top of Poco

so odd but you gotta love them. :)

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Drive thru liquor store

Today my parents took me to, what they call, the Baptist Liquor Store in town.  

It is a huge building that you drive thru one end and you can either park inside or there is even a drive thru window.  I guess the theory behind this is so these religious people won't get caught buying alcohol.  It is quite entertaining to me.

This is inside the big building and the drive thru windows.  We went in to the store part and didn't use the drive thru.  

Another view of the inside.

It is quite the large building so you could fit a good number of cars in there.  To me this would be great if the weather was crappy... you wouldn't have to get wet or walk in the snow to get your liquor.  This would also be a good idea for all those nudie bars or any other unsightly buildings. hehe... I had never seen anything quite like this but I guess this was a dry county for quite some time so having a liquor store would be a big deal.  I will have to go again to get me some moonshine before I go.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Getting Ready

I have a little over a week before I hit the road again.  Gotta get some things done!!!

I have a few things I need to crochet before I hit the road again and some odd and end work to do.  I also have to finish organizing my things and get the trailer ready for travels.  Going to work hard this weekend to get all of the organizing and packing done so I can work all week on the other items I need to finish.

Last night my dad made a nice bracket for my trailer connector on Blue.  

Looks really good.

I have been working odd and end jobs for people my parents know so that has been great to have a bit of an income... now to find something for a bit of income in NM for the 6 weeks I am there.

Can't wait to get back on the road.  Winter has hit and the temperatures are cooling down a bit but I think it will still be good riding weather.  Well hopefully it won't be worse than the edge of Sandy I hit on my way to Kentucky. :)  Knock on wood.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

We Are Santa's Elves

Poco, Nube and I tried to take some holiday pictures... not all that successful but fun.  I didn't have Randall outside so I will have to try it with all of us at a later date.

When I have the time and motivation I try to get a holiday family picture.  With 2 dogs and a cat it can be quite the challenge.

Here is one of the first ones with Poco and Nube.  Probably 2007 or earlier.

This next one is probably the only time I have somewhat successfully got all of us together.  I believe this was 2009.

The above pictures I took all by myself.  Luckily my camera has a remote for the last picture and I really didn't think we were going to be able to do it... hence the bad outfit on my part.  But a lot of running around and playing wore them out enough to take the picture.

This year I wanted our new home in the picture... so here are a few of the pictures.  I didn't have to take these pictures my mom and dad helped out.  Quite entertaining.

I hope to try some more pictures at a later date.  My goal is to get all of us and our home... it is quite the goal but there has got to be a way. ;)

Monday, December 3, 2012

We all made it thru the night

We accomplished our first night together in our new home.  My boys were nice and comfortable... Poco decided to fall asleep right in the middle of the bed and would not move... Nube and Randall decided to sleep where my feet would go so I ended up sleeping sideways.  hehe... I am happy that they behaved and seemed to be happy.  Quite fun!

I had to go get something from inside my parents house and when I came back out Randall was waiting for me.

Then Poco decided to join.

We have a few more warm days coming up here in KY so we are going to stay outside... even if there is a bit of rain.  Getting ready to hit the road.

I am quite lucky my boys tolerate what I put them thru. hehe... that is true love. :)

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Sleeping In Our Home

Today I set up all of our new home.  I had some visitors that wanted to see what it all looked like and the weather is warm here in Kentucky so I set everything up... including the bathroom.  Tonight my boys and I are staying outside.  It is so spacious and I think everyone likes it... including my cat Randall.  Tomorrow we will have to see how he deals with all the screens in the tent open.  Tonight they are all drawn so he can get use to the space.   Poco and Nube are already asleep in the trailer.  Their favorite spot is under the cupboards where my feet go.  Hopefully we will have a restful night with no weird Randall moves.  He is really the only one I worry about.

Pictures to come during the daylight but here is a dark picture of Randall in our living room.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Decorating for the holidays

I have been helping my mom decorate around their house.  The weather has been really great here in KY.  We only had about 1 maybe 2 days with gloom or a little bit of rain.

A picture one morning of thick fog.  By lunch time it was gone and sunny and warm.
Here are some pictures of my parents yard and a bit of decorating.

The ugly fish mailbox

The sign in their yard. 

Me of course.

Some creepy santa and wife... my mom wanted santa on the left and the wife on the right but I said Mrs. Clause should be first. ;)

She has plants on this driftwood during the summer so we gave it a bit of garland... and we put some of that one some random tree stump in the yard but I forgot to take a picture. 

The retro wreath she has had since the 70s and a wooden santa at the door.

I finally got my solar lights out and decorated a bit myself.  I always have christmas light on Blue (my motorcycle) so I had to find a way to put them on my house.  So with suction cup hooks I put up lights outside my house.

It seemed to work ok... sometimes the suction cups fall off but for the most part the lights stay on.  It isn't something you can pull the trailer with which is kind of a bummer... might have to find a way to do that. :)

My parents and I were trying to get a Christmas picture of me, Poco and Nube but it hasn't worked out quite yet but you can see the lights on the back of Blue and Poco and Nube inside the trailer... they are dressed as elves. hehe

The other night when my parents and i got home from dinner this is what we saw.  The moon was bright and beautiful and you can see it reflect off the trailer plus the lights just look cool. :)