
Sunday, December 9, 2012

Drive thru liquor store

Today my parents took me to, what they call, the Baptist Liquor Store in town.  

It is a huge building that you drive thru one end and you can either park inside or there is even a drive thru window.  I guess the theory behind this is so these religious people won't get caught buying alcohol.  It is quite entertaining to me.

This is inside the big building and the drive thru windows.  We went in to the store part and didn't use the drive thru.  

Another view of the inside.

It is quite the large building so you could fit a good number of cars in there.  To me this would be great if the weather was crappy... you wouldn't have to get wet or walk in the snow to get your liquor.  This would also be a good idea for all those nudie bars or any other unsightly buildings. hehe... I had never seen anything quite like this but I guess this was a dry county for quite some time so having a liquor store would be a big deal.  I will have to go again to get me some moonshine before I go.

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