
Saturday, December 8, 2012

Getting Ready

I have a little over a week before I hit the road again.  Gotta get some things done!!!

I have a few things I need to crochet before I hit the road again and some odd and end work to do.  I also have to finish organizing my things and get the trailer ready for travels.  Going to work hard this weekend to get all of the organizing and packing done so I can work all week on the other items I need to finish.

Last night my dad made a nice bracket for my trailer connector on Blue.  

Looks really good.

I have been working odd and end jobs for people my parents know so that has been great to have a bit of an income... now to find something for a bit of income in NM for the 6 weeks I am there.

Can't wait to get back on the road.  Winter has hit and the temperatures are cooling down a bit but I think it will still be good riding weather.  Well hopefully it won't be worse than the edge of Sandy I hit on my way to Kentucky. :)  Knock on wood.

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