
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Only a few more days

Today I finally got Blue licensed and ready to go.  My dad is making a shelf for my computer in the trailer and that is done and just needs to be put in.  Now I have to finish a few crochet items and some other work and I will be ready to go.

I will probably leave somewhere between Sunday and Tuesday depending on the weather.  Right now it looks like Sunday will be the warmest and driest day.  I will sure miss playing Canasta and Bunko with the ladies and spending time with my parents but I am really excited to get on the road again.  I can't wait for new adventures and meeting new people.

My boys have been quite attached to me lately.  Randall is in my parents spare bedroom all day cause my mom doesn't like cats but as soon as I go to bed he is attached to my side.  Poco and Nube have to touch me all day long... lately sitting on the couch Nube has been laying right on top of Poco... not sure why.  Guess he wants to get closer to me.  hehe

Nube stayed right on top of Poco until I moved. 

and another day of Nube laying on top of Poco

so odd but you gotta love them. :)

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