
Friday, January 25, 2013

100th Post

Well blogger says this is my 100th post... WOW... can't believe I have actually kept with it that long. Writing is not my forte and I usually get frustrated after a bit and stop but this has been quite enjoyable so far.

I started this blog back in 2011 when I started thinking about how I was going to incorporate my life and my art.  I had the idea of BlueRoad...really not thinking I would actually make it to living on the road but more of an art that would have me living the life I dream in the imagination of my art.  I only had a handful of posts until August 2012 when I was living in a shack in Rosendale, NY saving every penny I could for this new life... what an adventure that was.

Now over 3500 miles later in New Mexico loving the sun, wide open spaces and beautiful mountain views, with no idea where I am going next other than my dream of making it to Alaska, I am living the life I have been talking about for years.... I mean years. :D

My next 100 posts I plan to go deeper into the self, figure out how I can make my Alaskan adventure become a reality and gradually make my way one mile at a time.  I have a few things I am working on and I hope you read along.

Thanks for following!

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