
Monday, January 7, 2013

New Mexico

I finally made it thru Texas and hit New Mexico.  I have never been to New Mexico so I was very excited.  I went up 285 to get to my final destination for a few weeks.  It was a cold 2 days of riding to get there.

I don't have real winter gloves so my fingers were freezing.  I improvised a bit to keep my fingers warm.

I used those Hot Hands Hand Warmers and ducked taped them to the back of the glove.  Then duck taped the thumb for a bit more wind resistance.  It seemed to work ok. :)

I got to go thru Roswell with all those aliens.  I was too pooped to do any touristy stuff.  I stayed for the first time in the Walmart parking lot.  Quite the connivence... it would be really awesome if they had showers but I did get free internet from the Sams next door.

I did a bit of shopping for some things to get me thru a few days at my final destination.  Then just hung out in the trailer.  

It became quite the campground as the night went on.  In the morning some bratty children in another camper thought it was funny to knock on my trailer... at 7am in the morning.  No parents around.  I of course opened my door and told them I wasn't bothering them so they shouldn't bother me.  I think I scared them a bit... but they were lucky I wasn't some big Harley man. haha... So I was up early but yet couldn't leave til later morning when it warmed up a little bit.

I waited until about 10am and took off again.  On 285 north of Roswell there are no towns for 90 miles.  I read on a forum that it was one of the most desolate highways.  I have to disagree with that.  Sure there were no towns but there was a good flow of cars on that road so I wasn't completely alone.

It was a very cold riding day and in the distance looked like snow was falling.  I got to Galisteo, my destination, cold but dry so I was happy.  The next day I woke up to a light dusting of snow... so glad I got there when I did.

I am in New Mexico for 6 weeks total while house sitting.  I am taking care of a wonderful dog and cat.  I am excited for what will transpire while I am here. :D

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