
Sunday, January 6, 2013

Texas, Texas and more Texas

Everyone knows Texas goes on forever.  I went from north to south and then from east to west all in Texas.   I do have to say the back highways are beautiful!  It was windy after leaving Houston so I got off the interstate where the speed limit is just way too high for me and people drive like mad to these nice relaxing back highways with great views and little traffic.  I stayed somewhat close to the interstate because I always spend the night right off the interstate where there is a lot of traffic.

I had to stay with the big rigs again.  This one I didn't really like because some the oil and crap on the parking spots are just disgusting and this was one of them.  But I had no choice since there was no where else to park... Then to top it off I had a trucker tell me I should be more respectful of truckers and not part in their spots.  He said they drive all day and when they want to sleep they don't want to spend time looking for a spot to park.  I responded in telling him I was driving all day too... in the cold... in the rain and I was tired.  I didn't have a nice cab to keep me warm and dry I had to deal with all of the elements first hand.  I deserved that park as much as any trucker.  I stayed and he didn't say another word.  

That was just one rotten person.  Everyone else I met along the way was very helpful.  The next morning... still in Texas... I went a short distance on the interstate and got off at a random exit and drove a bit and found my way thru some great side roads to my next stop... still in Texas.  I loved the fact that I felt comfortable to go outside the basic route I originally looked at and took roads that made me feel more comfortable and I love finding my way as I go.  I had great fun in Texas... the many days in Texas.  It really is a beautiful state.

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