
Thursday, January 31, 2013

What's next?

I get the question as to what and where is next... to be honest I have no idea.  I am kind of excited about not having a plan and just living one day at a time.  All I know is I want to make it to Alaska this summer... so stay south for the rest of the winter and then gradually head north... maybe with a detour or two but I have plenty of time to get there.

Right now I am going to enjoy the rest of my time with my new animal friends.  They have been great!

Here are some more pictures of my babies and my new friends.

This is Kai... He is a great friend... he was next to me every moment of the day when my grandpa passed away.

Poco's most favorite thing to do in New Mexico is to roll around in the dirt.

Nube and Kai getting personal.

Kitty is a great pal... she still loves me even though I have had to put eye drops in her eyes for the past couple weeks.

And my Randall... he is so helpful when changing guitar strings.

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