
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

A Little bit of Judy

I have been very excited about this Fabulous in February.  I have over twice as many people doing it with me this year and it is empowering to read everyone else's fabulous.  I feel very blessed that people are sharing... and people I don't even know.  I love how my friends invited their friends because they thought their friends should know how Fabulous they are.  It makes me happy.

Last night I had the urge to sing.  I don't sing anywhere as much as I use to.  I think being classically trained took the fun right out of it for me.  I don't take criticism well and that is all I heard... so for me the best solution is to stop singing.  It was really frustrating because I had just gotten my voice back after being silenced by an x of mine.  I use to sing all the time.. in the car with the radio and sometimes just a random children's song.  I was a nanny so I really couldn't help myself but my x hated that I would break out in song and one day he told me I couldn't do it anymore... so I stopped.

I got my voice back when I started writing songs during my recovery from an Eating Disorder.  I had a great treatment team that encouraged me to sing and play my guitar... and I did.  I sang for years at Eating Disorder Awareness events and I loved it.

Then I was far enough in my recovery to go back to college as a music major.  It was horrible.  I have a learning disability and every lesson I had with my voice teacher she would tell me I was 'certified special' because I was with Disability Services and had rights to things other students did not  Well my confidence went down the tube and finally heard it the last time and couldn't take it anymore.  I put in a complaint and was done with voice lessons and my voice teacher was fired.

Anyway so after all of that I am trying to get my voice back again.  I love to sing.... anything from country music, my own folk songs, hymns, classical music and broadway type songs.  I don't know what got into me last night... I think I channeled Judy Garland. haha... she is my most favorite.  I normally don't move at all and don't really put my heart into anything.  I was playing around on sing snap which my brother loves... he is a fabulous singer and loves to karaoke.  Me on the other hand would rather sing and play my guitar.  So here is my Judy song last night... try not to laugh too hard.

I made myself this green thing because I hate to watch  myself sing... something to work on.  

Day 5 of We Are Fabulous in February:  I wasn't afraid to share my singing today... and really enjoyed my evening of singing.  Life is good.

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