
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Piki Bread

Last week I met someone for lunch in Madrid.  We had a great conversation about her work on the Hopi Reservation.  We also had a very yummy lunch.  I had fish tacos and we had a chocolate and red chili cake for desert which was quite yummy.

I really enjoyed learning about some of the Hopi rituals and such.  She also brought me some Piki Bread to try.

Piki Bread is made from blue corn, water and ash.  It is then smeared on a flat baking stone that is heated by fire and then pealed off in thin sheets and rolled into the picture above. (a very short version of how it is made)

It took a good day for me to gather enough courage to taste.  It has a paper like texture that kind of melts in your mouth.  For me the texture was a bit much... as we all know I have funky texture issues when it comes to food.

Anyway... Piki Bread is quite important in Hopi Traditions and it was a great experience learning and trying something new.

Here is a link that describes better than I how Piki Bread is made.

Also a very interesting video showing the process of making Piki Bread.

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