
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

You have to move

I finished up house sitting this last weekend and now I have just been doing whatever, going wherever.

The first night I had to stay in Albuquerque because I had to get the light on my trailer fixed... luckily it was a quick fix but the Flying J there I do not recommend.  I have realized I am not a huge fan of Flying J but Pilots are not so bad.   Anyway... I rode into the Flying J and it had RV parking but right next to it said No Overnight Parking... so I just went back with the truckers.

The trucker next to me was a really nice guy who is an x marine I believe.  We chatted some about my trailer and how he was concerned about me being a woman on the road.  Yes, you read it right... he knew I was a woman. hahaha...   He told me to park by the truckers because it is safer.  A lot of them are x Police, Firemen or were in the Forces... and the older truckers can be a bit creepy but there are a lot of people around to watch over everyone else.  He had a couple daughters of his own and so he said he would keep an eye on me and to just knock on his truck if I needed anything.

Now I had arrived at this Flying J before 3pm that day and all seemed to be good.  I saw security drive by in their little golf cart a few times and my trucker neighbor was around.  Then around midnight as I was fast asleep I hear a knock on my door.   That was a bit creepy so I moved my curtain a little to see who it was and it was a security guard.  I didn't say anything right away but my trucker neighbor must of heard the knock because the security guard turned around and started talking to him... so I opened the door and asked what was up.  The security guard told me I had to move because this parking was for semi only and I had to move up front.  I told the guard that I had been there all day with security driving by and no one said anything... and in the front said No Overnight Parking.  Now I have stayed at a few truck stops along the way and I have parked with the trucks when there is no where else to park and I have never been asked to move.  If they don't want me back there then they need to have parking up front for RVs and such that can stay overnight.  So my trucker friend told the guard that I had been there and it was safer for me to be where I am.  So the guard said ok she can stay and not but 30 seconds later he told me I had to move up front... that he would watch over me.  Yea right...

The guard said there were a lot of homeless around and they scrounge around looking for food and things to sell for food.  So he told me I would be better off up front... not quite sure his thinking thru any of this... but it was most likely a power thing and if that made him feel good I guess I could do my part and give a little and then complain later.  ;)   So I moved up front at midnight... in the cold and wind... sure it wasn't far but who wants to get the trailer and bike ready to ride at midnight and just to go to the front.

Oh and the security guard told me I couldn't have my bag I have on the top of my trunk of my bike.  I had to put it in the trailer with me.  Not sure why that is any of his business... it isn't like it is illegal for me to have a bag on my tour pack rack.  So I did it so he would leave me alone.  But of course in  my little trailer there was barely any room to fit myself back inside after putting the bag in there.

The rest of the night I was left alone... just like I should of been where I was parked originally.

I did send a message to Flying J about how inappropriate I thought that was.  If they didn't want me back there the least they could do is come up to me during day light hours or at least early evening since there were plenty of time in the 9 hours I was sitting back there.

So beware of the Flying J in Albuquerque.  Not the best place out there... I should of stayed at Walmart. ;)

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