
Friday, May 17, 2013

A couple more weeks

Only a couple more weeks here in South Florida.... then it is on the road again.  I can't wait!!  I have a couple of weeks I can roam before heading to Alaska.  Not sure where I will go but I am sure I will have a blast.  I am ready to be on the road again where it feels like home.

I have seen some of my favorite people while here in Florida and that has made my time here the best.  I lived in South Florida for almost 10 years.  I came here when I was at the bottom with my eating disorder.  I knew I had to make a change or I would die.  I took a huge chance and moved to Florida to get the help I needed.  I spent almost 10 years working on recovery.  I accomplished so much and am able to live life to the fullest because of the amazing team of women I had behind me along my journey.  I have been very fortunate in my life to have some amazing, empowering women in my life who never doubt me and help me believe anything is possible.  That is one thing I need on occasion... I have a lot of doubters and people who tell me things aren't possible even though I know they are wrong it is hard to believe in myself when the people who are suppose to be supportive can't seem to be.  

Throughout my life I have made it a point to find people to fill that void.  It has taken a long time and hearing many many times that 'can't' isn't a word for me to believe I have some self worth, that what I dream is possible and I hope that thru my life I can give the 'Can' to others.  

Anything is possible and everyone needs a 'You Can Do It' person or people in their lives.  I am thankful for the people who believe in me and will be forever grateful.  

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