
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Energy is back. :)

I finally found my energy again.  It took a good week of sleeping every chance I got to get my energy back from my last travels to get myself here to Montana.  It was 2 weeks of non-stop riding or being with people and I was exhausted.  My ribs are feeling much better this week and I am feeling back to myself again.  Now I feel like I can actually do something on my time off.

I had a ton of energy with the super moon on Sunday.  I didn't sleep at all.  Gotta love it... either I sleep all the time or not at all.  Hopefully I will get into a normal sleep pattern this week.

Here are some pictures I took on Sunday around the property where I am staying.

 These two pictures are my "neighbors".  No one lives in them but they are just fabulous.

These next two pictures are part of the property of where I am staying.

 An outhouse... which thankfully I don't have to use. ;)

A cabin... quite a cute place.  I wouldn't mind staying in there... it is like 10 times as big as the shed I lived in in upstate New York.

With my energy back I hope to take quite a few walks around the area and many pictures.  There is a lot of history in the area and I think it will be quite fun.  This is the gold mining area... can't wait to see what I will find along my walks.

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