
Sunday, June 16, 2013


I had such a great time in Kansas.  I got to stay with one of my most favorite people and her most fabulous family for a few days.  I always feel so welcome and that is rare for me.  I can sit and have a conversation with her, her husband or any of her 4 sons and not feel out of place at all.  They also welcomed my boys like no other home we have been to.  I brought my boys in and took Poco and Nube outside.  I told her not to worry about Randall because I wasn't sure if we let him out we would be able to get him back in again.  While I was out she let him out.  :)  Gotta love her.  She knew what a hard time I had had with almost re homing Randall and she kept telling me he was happy with me.  They were so welcoming that it only took Randall about an hour before he was out from behind the couch and saying hello to everyone.  He loved it there.

I had a great couple of days talking, relaxing and just having a good time being around people.  We got pedicures, watched movies and took nice walks.  The weather was great and we spent some time outside and my friends also had a morning yoga out at the park.  I wanted to join but since my ribs were broken I couldn't... maybe next visit.  I sat and watched and also took some pictures.

I was sad to leave but will be returning on my way back to Kentucky in August.

Then on my way to Nebraska I stopped in Lawrence Kansas to have lunch with another friend.  We had been researchers together for the Adaptive Use Musical Instruments project.  It was great to catch up and lunch was really yummy!!

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