
Wednesday, June 19, 2013


I made it to my new destination in Montana this weekend.  It was such a beautiful trip.  The wind was a bit rough on Friday and I had to cut my riding short that day but all was good.  I was almost to my destination and had to stop about an hour and half short of where I wanted to stop for the night.

The whole time thru the mountains all I could do is say ooo... and aawww.  It was so very beautiful.

I was really bad about stopping to take pictures but here are a couple along the way.

Blue did quite well pulling the trailer thru the mountains.  I was a bit concerned and nervous but all turned out great. 

Sometimes when I ride I get nervous and think I'm not going to make it to my next stop... there is something intimidating... like the mountains or being out in the middle of nowhere for too long.  The other night I had my doubts and was telling myself to turn around.  I kept looking at the map and trying to figure out what was the best way.  Then I look at it like i did throughout my recovery... I break it down into small pieces.  I give myself a few different stops to choose from for the day so I can stop if it is too much for one day.  I research the entire area to make myself feel comfortable with where I am going.  

This time when I got anxious I let myself have a short riding day.  I try to give myself a couple extra days so if I need a shorter riding day or an extra day for myself it isn't a problem.  So the morning after my very anxious evening I had a short ride of about 4 hours and that cut down my next day also.  It was just what I needed to gain the confidence and reassure myself everything was going to be alright.  And it was.  

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