
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Warrior of Dreams

A couple of days ago I was having a difficult time staying in the present.  I was lying on my bed watching some movies going in and out of thoughts and dreams.  I look up and see this image on the bedroom door.

Do you see him?  He has a large nose, aged eyes, large lips, tall hair, long beard and a shield.

I imagine him to be the Warrior of Dreams.  He protects me from my nightmares and protects the innocence of my dreams.

I imagine when he is not in the door his hair is multiple shades of gray.  He is quite distinguished and a senior warrior.  Maybe he is my personal warrior.  He has followed me throughout my life.  I could imagine these Dream Warriors each having one person they protect from when they are born until they die.  

Look how serious he is... such honor.  This is an image I have needed and it is amazing what detail I see in a door.  I was really excited when I could take a picture of it... when I showed it to someone else they could actually see him too.  Who would not feel safe with a Warrior of Dreams.


  1. Checking back on your start. This posting stopped me in my tracks. I often see animals in rocks, clouds etc, First time on a door though. Very plainly seen.

    1. Cool! Not very many people actually see him in there. Glad I'm not the only one. :)
