
Thursday, January 2, 2014

First day of 2014

I had a nice relaxing first day of 2014.  I got to watch the Huskers win... I am a horrible fan because I didn't even know they made a bowl game.  I was a bit out of the loop while working at Amazon.

I karaoke a bit for something to do.

Then I spent the afternoon outside with all the boys.  Had a nice little walk and watched the sunset.  One of my favorite things to do here in New Mexico.  Here are some pictures for the day.

Poco and Nube on our walk

Some view from our walk... I just love the skull.

Blue and Tictac with a view of forever. 

Kai is such a great doggie model. 

 Beautiful sunset.  I sure missed the sun while in Kentucky.  Can't get enough of the sun here in New Mexico.

Blue and Tictac enjoying the sunset.
Was a really nice first day of 2014.  

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