
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year

Sorry I have been a post slacker.  Finished up my time with on the 19th of December.  I was exhausted but met some really great people.  Spent Christmas at my parents house with my 2 new besties I met at Amazon.  We had a good time playing games and eating. ;)

Now I am in New Mexico house sitting with my buddies Kai and Kitty.  Had a 3 day cold but sunny ride from Kentucky to New Mexico.  It was actually uneventful... which is a good thing since I was still getting over the exhaustion of Amazon.  I was really excited I didin't have to stop at a Harley shop along the way.  Blue must be getting use to our adventures.

Watched the last sunset of 2013.  I love the sun here in New Mexico.  So bright and warm.  It can be 40 degrees outside and it feels fabulous.

Kai enjoying the sunset

Kai looking a bit lonely

Blue and Tictac in New Mexico (my friend Kitty finally named my home... Tictac is quite fitting.)

Had a relaxing New Year's Eve with a warm fire and watching tv.

Tomorrow I have to really start looking for a job for the spring.  Going back to Virginia City Montana for the summer and Amazon next fall.  

Thankful to finally be warm and dry.  Kentucky was quite cold this year and extremely wet.  Everything I owned was wet.  Going to enjoy being spoiled for the next 6 weeks.

I am very thankful for the family I have made on the road.  Love them all.  What a Great 2013.  Can't wait to see what 2014 brings.

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