
Sunday, February 16, 2014

New Mexico... Enchanted

I don't know what it is with New Mexico that it never seems to let me leave when I want to.  Last year I got stuck in Las Cruces Walmart for days because of wind and weather.  Had to rethink my travel plans and head east.

This year it is more mechanical issues.  When I left yesterday I had to stop at the Harley shop in Albuquerque to get a rear tire.  Not a big deal.  I was quite thankful I chose to go there because they really took a look at everything on Blue.  They found a few leaks and my Y- pipe that goes to my mufflers was completely spit in 2.  They said I could make it to the next place but it will be loud.  I had noticed Blue got louder when I entered New Mexico.  The thing that is frustrating is I have been to 5 mechanics this year.  I have to get my rear tire changed every 4000+ miles because of the weight of the trailer and stopped to get some other issues taken care of.  No one ever looked and checked over the whole bike... there should of been at least a crack or something.

Owell... I have really chilled since being on the road.  All the info didn't phase me one bit.  I just told them I need function not beauty and so the rear tire was all I needed.  Then I had to stop off to cash a check and with the help of a life line (my friends and family I call to find things for me) I got there just in time.  Walmart wouldn't cash it so I thought I was going to be stuck in Albuquerque... I'm not a fan of Albuquerque... except not their Harley shop. ;)

So I thought for sure that would be it... then I realized I really had to change one tire on the trailer today.  It wore funny and I really didn't want to experience a blow out.  So I stopped at a Walmart tire center this morning in Gallup, NM.    They didn't have the tire but said Pep Boys would.  I called and they said they had the tire but would not put it on the trailer.  I ended up riding over to Pep Boys which was only a couple blocks away and got the tire and brought it back to Walmart for them to put on.  I had to wait, of course, for 2 hours.  So I wandered around... tried to put some Quick Steel stuff on the Y-pipe (which of course broke 2 hours later when I started the bike... will try again later) and of course had a few conversations with people coming over to check out my rig.  All and all not a bad morning/afternoon.  The only problem is the wind picked up once afternoon hit so now I am at the Arizona border... I can see the sign and everything... for the next few hours/ or night until the wind dies down.

I hope that once I cross the border into Arizona the time suck will be done.

Oh and a bad mommy moment.  I forgot to tape the computer drawer so it wouldn't fly out while in transport this morning and it landed on poor Poco.  That poor dog always gets the bad end of the deal... he just isn't fast enough.  So he has a big of a swollen side of his face and a really guilty feeling mommy.  :(

Saturday, February 15, 2014

A few days of snow

We had a few days of snow a week or so ago... thankful only a few days and it melts by the afternoon each day.  I always watch the extended winter forecast and knew this year would be good in the southwest and it has been correct so far.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Couple of sunsets

I didn't take as many sunset photos as I did last year.  I was kind of bummed because I didn't get the Fabulous sunset on the one year anniversary of when my grandfather died and left with that amazing sunset.

 I still think this was the mother ship

 Closer and later in the sunset image of the mother ship clouds

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Doggie Walk

Here are a few pictures from our walk we try to take daily.

 Poco and Nube making their way thru all the brush

 Love this tree

 Beautiful mountain scenery

 Poco had some rough days but is back to his self again

 Nube tries to be a big dog but Kai just steps all over him

 Following the leader

 This day they were all good... some days they are quite the handful

 Group selfie!!

 Look at that face!!

 One good looking one eyed Poco

Of course Nube is always cool

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Picture Slacker

So I realized this evening I didn't post very many pictures of my time here in New Mexico... I did on my facebook page as they came along but slacked on the blog.  The next couple of days I will post some pictures.  Today will be dedicated to sleepy animal babies.

I don't have any of my Randall because he stays in the other room.





Tuesday, February 11, 2014

What's Next?

I am very excited this week.  I just started a new virtual job doing what I love.  Helping people help each other.  I am done here in New Mexico at the end of the week and then heading to California for a few days.  I am meeting some people for work in LA.  Never been so it will be quite fun.

It is so nice to be using my brain again.  I feel renewed and ready.  I am also excited that in the near future I can eat whatever I want... no worry about what I can afford to eat.  Now the key is to make it to that near future.  I don't know how I do it but I am really good at living with nothing.  These next few weeks will be tough... but miracles have happened before and I am sure something will come about again.

Life is good and it is getting better.  I am really excited to be able to live on the road... which is a necessity for happiness and sanity for me and have a job I love.  I guess if you keep working on what you want it will eventually happen.

Here is to a new adventure!!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Fabulous February

We are only on the second day of February and I am already feeling and seeing the Fabulous.

I want to invite you all to join us for the Fabulous again this year.   This is the 3rd year of We Are Fabulous in February(and All the Other Days of the Year).  We doubled the participants last year and hoping for the biggest year yet!

January has got to be one of the hardest months to love yourself. All the ads of weight loss and the new you for the new year. Everyone seems to have some sort of resolution that has to deal with something physical instead of having the resolution of loving yourself just the way you are.

So the month of February is to regain your self and realizing you are Fabulous
just the way you are.

We Are Fabulous in February is for Eating Disorder Awareness and for us all to realize just how
Fabulous we are.

Each day for the month of February post as your Facebook/Twitter status one thing you think is Fabulous about yourself.

Spread the Fabulous by telling someone in your life just how Fabulous you think they are.

We also started Fabulous Sunday Selfie.  You can post a selfie past or present and see the Fabulous that you are!

Have your friends join in so when you get stuck you can use a life line and ask a friend for a Fabulous thing about you.

Then for the rest of the year when you have one of those days that you don't think you are so Fabulous you can look back at We Are Fabulous in February and remember 28 Fabulous things
about you.

You can put #FabFeb at the end so the world can see just how Fabulous everyone is.

If you have a friend who wants to participate but is not on social media or if you are
uncomfortable with posting your Fabulous on social media you all can still participate by writing the Fabulous thing on a piece of paper and posting it on the physical wall of a room, on the fridge or mirror, or even put them in a jar so one can reach in and see how fabulous they are... or even thinking about it and not writing it anywhere...whatever makes it work.

Let's put the media back in their place and regain the Fabulous!

You are Fabulous!!