
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

What's Next?

I am very excited this week.  I just started a new virtual job doing what I love.  Helping people help each other.  I am done here in New Mexico at the end of the week and then heading to California for a few days.  I am meeting some people for work in LA.  Never been so it will be quite fun.

It is so nice to be using my brain again.  I feel renewed and ready.  I am also excited that in the near future I can eat whatever I want... no worry about what I can afford to eat.  Now the key is to make it to that near future.  I don't know how I do it but I am really good at living with nothing.  These next few weeks will be tough... but miracles have happened before and I am sure something will come about again.

Life is good and it is getting better.  I am really excited to be able to live on the road... which is a necessity for happiness and sanity for me and have a job I love.  I guess if you keep working on what you want it will eventually happen.

Here is to a new adventure!!

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