
Saturday, April 5, 2014


I just love my life on the road.  I have met so many people and made a lot of friends.  The Full Time RV world is really amazing.  I never feel alone at a campground, Walmart parking lot or even on the side of the road.  I am constantly meeting people.

The second campground I was in while in LA, within the first 5 minutes of being there, I met a couple.  They were curious about my rig and we had a great conversation.  They invited me to dinner that night and I really enjoyed their company.  They were around for a couple of days and I would talk to them when I got home from work for the day.  When they left they invited me to their home in San Diego.  This is an example of the connections I make on the road.

When I lived in one of those homes that doesn't move I isolated all the time.  I would go days without seeing another person.  I would also have extreme anxiety when I had to be around other people.  It is interesting on the road.  I had a lot of people who feared I was going on the road to disappear... and part of me was hoping the same thing... but the complete opposite has happened.  I am the most visible I have ever been in my life.  I love meeting new people and having conversations.  My life feels full in the area of connections.  I am happy when I am around people with no anxiety and I get a little sad when I leave them.  After leaving a place with people I have connected with I smile for days thinking of how lucky I am to have met those people.  I may or may not see them again but I know they are out there and that brings comfort.

Life is just amazing.

 This was my second campground in the LA area.

Randall loves to watch all the goings on.


  1. I love your life on the road too!!! I always brag about my bestie that travels!!! Your are amazing Jackie! Love you!

  2. I can't wait to live the RV life... dogs and all! You are an inspiration. Thanks! Tons of questions... staying tuned :)
