
Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Moving Forward

I am feeling a bit better today.  Started working back at Wallace Street Photo in Virginia City Montana today for a few days a week until Labor Day.  Keeps me around my Montana friends and family and keeps me busy along with some other contract work.  So we will see what strange people I will meet these next few weeks.  I was just happy I wasn't mooned, didn't have to deal with grumpy parents or misbehaving children today.  Everyone was quite pleasant,  always enjoy spending time with my coworkers.  So life is getting better and will get better every day.  Life is good overall.  I just hate those days or weeks where I loose myself... Never quite sure if I will find myself again.  This evening I am going to enjoy the sunset.

Here is the sunset from last night.

1 comment:

  1. We all have those days my friend. I admire your wonderful attitude. You are one in a million :)
