
Monday, August 11, 2014

New Friends

This last week was just awesome.  I met some really great people.  First I met Ara and Spirit.  I have been following them for a few years... before I hit the road.  They travel around the country with their BMW and sidecar.  I saw they were in Ennis and asked if they would come over the mountain to Virginia City and say hi and they did!!!  I was so very excited.  Check them out on their blog at

Then I had a new Facebook friend who I met from another Facebook friend when I was talking about how I was going to China.  Renee is on a journey around the US with her dog named Lillie.  She and Lillie happen to be coming by Virginia City and I offered her a place to stay for the night and a shower.  We had a great time talking about China, wandering the cemetery and having a few drinks.  You can check out her blog at

Then this weekend I met some other Facebook lady biker friends in Bigfork Montana.  It was a great day for a 580 mile ride and loved meeting new friends.  We did a short ride and had lunch.  I hope to see them again in my travels.  Two of them were from Mexico and traveling the west on the motorcycles and the other was from Seattle who joined in the ride to Montana.  Lots of fun!!

Makes me smile when I can meet people.  That is what I miss sitting in one place but so happy I was fortunate enough to meet these 5 people this week.  Life is good!!

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