
Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Finally finished up the season at the photoshop.  Very excited to be done.  Now comes time to figure out the next few months.  I am going to China with some friends to help bring their kids to China.  Will be very exciting!  I also have the opportunity to volunteer at a Buddhist Nunnery in India.  Still trying to figure out all that needs to be done for that.  The Visa stuff I just don't understand.  So if I can get the Visa to India I will be there until December 1... if I can't then I will be back in the states in 3 weeks.  I will travel thru China and Thailand.  Either way it is a great experience but living with Buddhist Nuns for a few months would be amazing.  So keeping my fingers crossed I can get all worked out.  I do have plans here in the states if I can't stay... I will go back to for the season.  We will see where life leads.  Ready for a new adventure!

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