
Sunday, September 14, 2014

Preparing for China

I leave for China on Thursday.  Yikes!  I will be outside Shanghai for a few days, Beijing for a few days and Guanghzou for a few days and then go to Thailand for a week.  All together I will be gone for 3 weeks.  Pretty nervous and pretty excited.  I think I found my excitement for the trip.  I have been trying to find a way to ride a motorcycle to the Great Wall.   I believe I found it!  Beijing Sideways does tours to the Great Wall in a sidecar! If I can't ride my own what better way to ride but in a sidecar!  Now to figure out where to get the money to do it.  Since I am going to work for for the season I think I can pull it off.  *fingers crossed* Woohoo!!  Now I am excited!  Just emailed them to get more info.  Wish me luck!

Now to figure out what to bring.  Going to just bring 1 backpack and that is it.  Not too hard.  Should be a simple thing.  I can live with next to nothing for 3 weeks quite easily and since I only own 1 bag of clothes it will be quite simple to pick out half to bring to China.  Hahaha... That sounds quite funny... That I can bring half of my clothes to China.  :)

Will be taking lots of pictures and will tell you all about my trip.  Getting excited!

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