
Thursday, October 2, 2014

Last full day in Kunshan

Was pretty lazy during the day.  I fell asleep the night before at around 3pm and I was out except for a couple of hours until 5am.  I guess it was needed.

I was going to go out on a bus adventure by myself but decided to hang with my buddies today.  I did wander to the corner store for some chocolate.  Got a coke and snickers along with a beer for later.

The ladies at the check out asked me where I was from and they got all excited when I said the U.S.  The snickers is smaller than the U.S. version.  About the same length just thinner... The coke bottle is thinner and a bit taller also.

Later in the afternoon we walked to where my friend is working and stopped by McDonald's to see if their menu was completely different.  It had a few different things... Like flavor of shakes and such but the basic menu looked the same.  May try later in my trip.

We played on the playground and then went to dinner.

We ate across the street from this cool bridge... All around the water was human feces... Guess that is the place to go if you need to go... In the middle of the city.

Had a fantastic dinner...quite spicey but it was good! Oh and check out what they had on the didn't order that.

Below is what we did order.  Yummy!




Green beans


Fried rice.

Had a nice walk home after and tried some new beer.

Yes, German beer in China.

Leave for Beijing tomorrow afternoon.

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