
Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Two Little Girls

This song I wrote about a childhood friend and myself.  She lived up the street from me in middle school and we would hang out after school and weekends.  We would ride our bikes downtown and just hang out in the neighborhood.  During high school she did her own thing and I did mine and we lost touch.  We never hung out or talked again.  I moved away and my parents would see her on occasion and tell me she was thinking about me and tell me about her health.  She dealt with drug abuse and an Eating Disorder and other health issues.  During my first solo road trip on Blue in 2009 she passed away.  I still think of her often.


  1. JACKIE! I am so late to the Fabulous February party. I just binge-watched the first 10 videos and I am laughing and crying and applauding your courage for opening that black binder. I love you! You are absolutely fabulous! You inspire me!!!
