
Thursday, March 26, 2015

Best Dream Ever!

I had the best dream this morning.

I dreamt I woke up with all 3 of my boys on top of me in TicTac.  We were all together as a family again.  Poco and Nube were growling at Randall.  I gave them all a big hug and was petting Poco and Nube as they started licking my face like crazy.  I started to put my hood over my face while laughing to stop them from licking.  Before my hood was completely over my face I said "I wish when I woke up you both would still be here."  It got dark and I woke up.   I looked around like a child expecting a miracle... But they weren't there.  It took a minute and my heart felt like it broke into a million pieces again as I started to cry.

It felt so real... I could feel their warmth, their fur, their kisses... I hate waking up sad but I loved they came to visit and give me lots of love.

1 comment:

  1. Oh. Best dream ever. I would give anything to have my sweet baby boy visit me in my dreams. It's been more than a year and I still ache for him.
