
Thursday, April 16, 2015

Don't Think Twice

Tuesday was quite the interesting day... I was first a bit frustrated by not having what I need to do some paid work... which means I won't have any hours this week... which means I won't have any food money for next week.  So, instead of figuring out how I was going to spread out the little food I have for the next week, I thought I would be proactive and advocate for myself.  I googled a food bank and found one where the only qualifications was that you were hungry... this is great because some places you have to be a resident or prove that you are financially unable to buy food.

I have never been to a food bank but it has been something I have thought about when I don't have enough food... which is more times than not... but feel it could be worse and there are people out there who really need it.  That would be my Eating Disorder talking... It is hard for me to advocate for myself... especially when it comes to nourishing my body.  

In 2013, I was trying to figure out how to eat 3 well rounded meals a day... (you can view blog posts here) It should be 3 meals plus snacks but finding enough money to get 3 meals is quite a feat... a feat I've never accomplished in my adult life.  I've never been able to afford 3 meals a day... on a consistent basis... my entire adult life.

Back to Tuesday...

I was all pumped and proud I was going to go advocate for myself... The food bank was open until 3 and it was 2:15... it was only a couple minutes away.  I found my way and got there at 2:30 to see it use to be there but wasn't there anymore.  Good in theory... I did make the effort... I even called but it had this confusing menu of people's names... how do I know Ed from the food bank??  So I left disappointed... figure it is Karma from all those years where I didn't eat the meal provided or purged a meal I did eat.

So, I went back to my campsite and one of my neighbors came by to tell me of this 5ft snake that was about 15ft from where I have been staying... he showed me a picture... HUGE!!!  He said he thought it wasn't poisonous but it could be aggressive.  

I ended up spending the evening inside of TicTac... I rearranged TicTac so I could get to my guitar and spent a few hours playing and singing.  

Here is one of the songs I learned while I was dating New Mexico.  Quite fitting. :)

Ended the day quite happy.  Making music heals the soul. :)  Never saw the snake.  Was a bit nervous the next morning getting out of TicTac... afraid that snake would be hiding under TicTac but it wasn't there.  Phew!!  :)


  1. If Dylan had your diction he would have been successful,

    1. Good all that classical vocal training is put to good use then. haha :)

  2. Terima kasih sudah berbagi info. Saya sangat menghargai usaha Anda dan saya menunggu posting berikutnya terima kasih sekali lagi.

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