
Thursday, April 30, 2015

Follow that Bird: Sesame Street Dream

Have you ever had a movie that has stuck with you and shaped the way you think and live life?

For me, that movie was Follow That Bird... Yep, the Sesame Street movie from 1985 (I was 7 years old) where Big Bird gets adopted by the Dodos and runs away back to Sesame Street.  Great songs and all the characters out to help find Big Bird.

I believe my fascination of traveling the US and living on the road first came from this movie.  While riding on Blue the songs come back to me and I sing them as I ride down the road.

Blue, my motorcycle, got her name from this movie.  Blue is short for Bluebird of Happiness, which is what Big Bird is called when the carnies kidnap him, paint him blue and make him sing.  The song is a perfect reflection of how I viewed my life.  On Blue, I have found many rainbows and many friends.  On the road is where I am home.
Follow That Bird is also where I got this need to fly in a biplane.  I hate to fly and scared of heights... so I would most likely be like Bert at the beginning of this clip but I feel it would be like riding Blue but in the air... the wind in my face and the ability to see everything.  Still working on making the biplane ride a reality.  I have found a couple of places that do the biplane rides so I need to save up and make this dream a reality.
One of my ultimate dreams to make this Follow That Bird: Sesame Street Dream complete is riding Blue and TicTac right down Sesame Street.  Meet all the gang and show them my home and life of simplicity on the road.  Show them anything is possible with a little work and a big imagination.  How cool would that be?!?!?!  Best picture ever... Blue, TicTac, the Sesame Street gang and I all together on Sesame Street.  Can you imagine what that would look like?  I can!  That would be a treasure for a lifetime.


  1. Hello Jaclyn (Jackie?),

    Found you through your guest post on Cheap RV Living and then spent about three hours reading through your blog, really enjoying it!

    I've been full-timing in a 17' molded fiberglass trailer since September 2012 and have been thinking about downsizing to a teardrop, something most people think is crazy. So it's great reading about someone who enjoys it, and offers tips on how they make it work.

    Like you I'm still working age (31), and work-camping is how I afford this lifestyle. I'm going to be working out at Yellowstone this summer, and if you go back to Wyoming for your photo job again I think it would be great if we could meet up sometime, I love talking to other younger solo women on the road. :)

    Safe travels and happy trails,

    1. becky, most people don't think. do what you want. treat them like voices that you hear in the middle of the night. ignore them. if you are supposed to do the teardrop it will happen.

      ice cream, raz.

    2. I love living in my teardrop... takes less than 30 minutes to completely unload, clean and reload. :) I'll be in Virginia City Montana this summer... about 90 miles from West Yellowstone so send me a message and we will get together!

  2. jh, try cliff robinson at i'll let you read it up. riding in an open cockpit is a lot neater. lots. like a bike to a car. sorta. enjoy.

    ice cream, raz
