
Thursday, May 21, 2015

I like to wander

I'm not much of a hiker or a walker but I'm really good at wandering.  Here are some pictures of my wander into Virginia City Montana.  They have a great little trail that goes from Nevada City to Virginia City.  Probably a little over a mile into town.  The day was chilly but the sun was out and I had to take advantage after many days of rain.

Cowboy Church Service.  I have wanted to go one Sunday to see if they sacrifice or anything odd like that but churches in tents scare me.
Gold Mining Dredge
This must be the portable dredge?
I just love the look of this wood.

on the trail
piles from the mining

Virginia City, Montana
Virginia City, Montana
Virginia City, Montana
Virginia City, Montana
Virginia City, Montana
Looks like quite the rough job. :)  Virginia City, Montana
Virginia City, Monana
short doorway

random old train station (from the little train that goes from Nevada City to Virginia City

Beautiful sunset

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