
Sunday, May 3, 2015

Keeping My Guardian Angels Busy

I am lucky enough to have, what seems to be, a team of guardian angels that follow me on my travels. Today they were watching over me.

I was going to camp in the middle of nowhere... Not quite sure where it was or if anyone would be around. I made sure I knew how to get to the next closest Walmart.  I took the nice ride and I think I found the camp spot but there was no sign and no one around.  I would of stayed if there was a sign by myself or if there was no sign and other RVers but I'm not quite courageous enough to go without either cue.  So I headed on down the road to the next Walmart.

I pull into the parking lot and ride around to find the best spot when I feel a tug on Blue.  I knew instantly something broke having to deal with the hitch.  I know that feeling since my hitch broke in December.  I park and see that the saddle bag bracket broke.  This happened before on Blue long before I ever got TicTac so I wasn't terribly surprised that it snapped.  The thing is, that is part of where the hitch is attached so the chains that run from the trailer to the hitch were actually touching the tire.  Luckily, it happened only feet from where I stopped or I could of had not only lost the trailer but had a blow out.

I guess being on the road this long nothing really gets you in a panic anymore.  There is only so much you can do so you do that and hope all works itself out.  I called a place in town that sold motorcycle parts but of course wouldn't have a Harley part so I asked if he knew a welder.  That guy gave me a name and phone number of a welding shop in town.  I called but they didn't have a mobile welder.  I knew if I took Blue and TicTac any further it would cause more damage so I asked if they knew a mobile welder.  Sure enough, this guy's uncle was a mobile welder in town so he gave me his name and number.

I call Randy the mobile welder and he was in the middle of something and called me back in less than 30 minutes.  I told him what happened and that I'm at Walmart and here until he could come fix it.  He was at Walmart in about 30 minutes.  I was expecting to wait till the next day.

It ended up snapping in two places.  The saddle bag bracket and then up top.  Not sure which snapped first but the pressure of one snapped the other.

Randy had never worked on a Harley before.  I told him people get nervous because of the name... It's just like any other bike.  I also told him he could now put Harley work on his resume.

He was great.  He took everything a part and had all his tools right there.  No searching or anything.  He had his act together.  

We had a great conversation... He told me he once had a motorcycle... A Honda 70 some cc.  He chuckled and told me his friends called it the big Harley.

At one point I could see he was getting frustrated that this bolt wouldn't go in right... He had been working on it for quite some time.  I told him he could swear if it would help.  He laughed and said he was trying really hard not to.

He got Blue back together and looking great.  All under 2 hours.  How cool is that?!!  Not only did he come to me but he did the work and was enjoyable to be around.  Randy the mobile welder is now one of my road angels.  It cost $100 and we are now ready to be back on the road.  Heck of a lot cheaper than a Harley shop... And again I didn't have to go anywhere!

How awesome I didn't end up camping in the middle of nowhere and ended up right where I needed to be.  Life is truly amazing!


  1. Funny how things always seem to work out on the road. I once got a mouse in my van, called an exterminator, and he made a house call. Also in a Walmart parking lot.

    1. So true! I have wondered if the local Chinese places will deliver to a Walmart parking lot... I think I may have to try. :)

  2. I like your line... "I guess being on the road this long nothing really gets you in a panic anymore". That is so true. I think we all have a few Road Angels or two.


  3. Overall a lesson to consider mobile welder as a resource alternative instead of towing the vehicle. Plus you do know that your personality is worth the trip to help to help you. You are great entertainment for many.

  4. I'm not on the road, but your wise words helped me today: "There is only so much you can do so you do that and hope all works itself out." A perfect reminder -- off road or on! Thanks.

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