
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

My Montana Home

I am in, what I call, my Montana home until the end of June.  I still live in TicTac but have a house of sorts where I get a bathroom, kitchen and living quarters if I choose to.  The first year I moved into the house because of rattle snakes in the yard... Last year there was another workamper who had TicTac's spot so I was inside.  This year I hope to spend most of it in TicTac because it is home.  Depending on the weather I may do some boondocking in the area on my days off.

Had a great ride thru the rest of Nevada, Idaho and the little bit of Montana.  It's still a little chilly and the mountains are covered in snow.  I'm not usually here until mid June so it is nice to be here before the tourist season starts.

I-80 Nevada
Met up with a friend in Reno for breakfast when I was close by.  I love meeting up with people I have met virtually in person when I pass thru.  I had a good time and good to see someone I know since I was only speaking to people via text message for quite a few days.

I-80 in Nevada

I'm in Virginia City Montana... About 90 miles from West Yellowstone.  So, if you are in the area come on by.  Starting Memorial weekend I'll be working at Wallace Street Photo.  Mainly weekends.  You will see Blue out front.  Stop by and say hi.

Lima Montana... Stopped for a quick fill up

Not sure what I'll be doing the rest of the summer.  Would love to ride around and speak to biker groups along the way.  We will see what I get organized.  Many things to choose from. 

1 comment:

  1. If by any strange chance you happen to be in Michigan the weekend of Aug 22nd stop by ABATE Region 21's 26th annual End O'Summer party. Great 4 day party with great people. Barryton Michigan.
