
Saturday, May 23, 2015

Neighboring Cemetery

Behind where I stay is a small little cemetery.  The graves range from the late 1800s to recent.  While I was here last year someone was buried up there.  It has a really nice view and a great place to watch the fireworks on the 4th of July.  

Last year the other workamper and I went up to the cemetery to watch the fireworks on a chilly 4th of July evening and while sitting there we had this wave of heat come by.  We were not alone. :)

Anyways... here are some pictures from my wander thru there the other day.

3 tombstone, 3 foot stones
All in a row

I sure wouldn't want my body to be caged for all eternity
Not sure if this is a person or a pet.
Cool coloring

Just a rock
Someone got out!
Cool blurred picture.

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