
Sunday, May 17, 2015

Old Time Montana

More photos around Nevada City and where I am staying.

Montana Backyard
Montana Backyard
Right up the hill from where I am staying

In case you are curious.

Cyclops Smiley. -)


  1. what's the skinny on the horses in first pic? do you get time off to ride?

    ice cream. raz

    1. I'm not much of a horse rider... just my steel horse. :) I'm not even sure whose horses those are. They come and visit often though.

  2. Just caught up on the past few posts and realized we're only 117 miles from each other. I'm working at Old Faithful in Yellowstone this summer.

    Since you made the invitation, maybe I'll be able to stop by on a Bozeman run and say hi, it's not too far out of the way. I always enjoy meeting other younger single women travelers.

    1. That would be great! I sometimes ride down to West Yellowstone but don't ride thru the park. Quite expensive for a motorcycle. Stop on by or I'll let you know if I plan to ride your way. Would be fun to meet a fellow traveler.
