
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Friends, article and long ride for Yoska

Last week was pretty exciting.  MOTORESS (worldwide Women Motorcycle Enthusiast Magazine) did an article about my travels.  Whoop!  Always excited to have my journey shared with others... Makes the world a little smaller.

Saturday Yoska and I got up bright and early to ride almost 90 miles to West Yellowstone.  We met up with my friend Becky, who came over to Virginia City a few weeks ago.  We wandered around town a few times.  I was waiting for my friend Kathy to get across Yellowstone from the east gate.  Kathy I met in Kentucky this last fall and has been my bestest friend ever since.  She has been on a motorcycle road trip for a week and I was very excited to see her!

I was super bad about pictures but here is one. 

I tried to get Yoska to take a picture with the bear statues while Becky took the picture... A bit unsuccessful but funny.

We finally just gave up. Hahaha

Kathy and her friend showed up while Becky and I were having lunch at the bus with Mexican food.  Quite yummy.

I was very happy to see her!!

Then Yoska and I had to get back to Virginia City for work.  Becky went on her way to work and Kathy, her friend and I rode to the Idaho boarder then we said our goodbyes and I headed back to work.  It was a beautiful morning for a ride.  Yoska was quite pooped.  180 miles, wandering around for 4 hours and the had 4 hours of work.


  1. Haha, the bear statue pictures... Ah well, was a great day anyway. :)
