
Monday, June 29, 2015

Update on What's to be

I'm quite excited today.. not only is it my birthday but I think I figured out what was wrong with the last post. hahaha If you couldn't read it you can try again here.

I also have the rest of my summer planned out and I can't wait to hit the road next week.  It is quite a bit different than what I had originally planned but I will make it everywhere I said I would before 2016. 

I am about to head into work... blah... would rather be riding but the people I work for, my Montana family, bakes a cake for me and we have dinner together after work.  It is always quite nice... and exciting to get my own cake.  My little brother's birthday is 2 days after mine so we shared cakes often especially when we got older. :) 

Only one more week of working with tourists!!!  I am sooooo excited!!!!  Yay!!!!


  1. Good for you. After 7 years of weekly therapy and medication I have not only gained control of myself but have expanded my life beyond anything I dreamed possible. For those who think that emotional/psychological ailments are like a cold and that one needs to just "get over it" I have some harsh words. I'm glad to hear that you have found a satisfying life and are improving on it each day. Life is often a difficult journey but it is what you make of it.

    1. Thank you! Yes, someone once told me when I was bad off... Life Doesn't Have to Be this Way... never heard that before and didn't know it was possible... but it is!

  2. I just wanted to let you know how much I lOVE reading your comments and seeing the pics! I have not yet gotten to the point of going on the road (I am married and my hubby belives that traveling only includes fancy hotels LOL) but I do hope that one day I will be able to get there... till then, THANKS for letting me travel thru your eyes! And keep up the great work! John

    1. Thank you for following! I'm glad you enjoy our journey... hope you get out there soon!! :)
