
Friday, July 24, 2015

Caputa Alpaca

After the Badlands we took a nice drive home.  We saw a random dinosaur off the side of the road.

We passed an alpaca farm on the way to the Badlands and on our way home we had to stop and take some pictures.  While taking pictures outside the fence a lady came over and invited us in.  Glenn and Debbie run and own the farm.  We stopped and talked with them for quite a while.  They told us about their farm and we met some of their Alpacas.  They said anyone can stop by and meet them and their Alpacas.  Those of you riding in South Dakota for Sturgis or any other time I recommend stopping by.  Caputa Alpaca, about 10 miles east of Rapid City on Hwy 44.  Great stop on the way to the Badlands.

Debbie and Glenn

Be sure to tell them hi from me.  

We stopped at Walmart for a few things before heading back to Keystone and saw a most beautiful rainbow... It was like a rainbow curtain in the sky.  Picture does not do it justice.  Perfect way to end our day.

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