
Friday, July 31, 2015

Cycling across the country and stopping at our front door.

I was so very excited to hear my friend, Michelle, was cycling from Nashville to St Louis on her cross country cycling trip with her best friend Winter.  My parents live along the route and thought it would make a fun evening for my family and for Michelle and Winter.  My mom said she would be glad to host them for a night.  I wasn't sure if I would make it there but the stars aligned and I got there in the morning and Michelle and Winter got there that evening.

Michelle and Winter are cycling across the country to raise funds for Pathways Togo, a nonprofit working for women's education and empowerment in Togo, West Africa.  Check out their GoFundMePage.  They also have a blog about their adventure.  

When they arrived they were about to hit the 2000 mile mark of their adventure that started June 1.  Considering I would feel like death at about the 2 mile mark on a bicycle I have great admiration for these 2 women.  Anyone who has the courage to go cross country on 2 wheels of any sort has my support.

When they arrived we had a great dinner and spent the evening talking, relaxing and playing games.  Nothing better than a nice evening being together.

They headed out after the storm that went thru the next morning and they told me they didn't hit any rain that day.  Keep a look out for them and give a warm greeting to these 2 amazing women.

Of course they had to show some Yoska love. :) (Winter, Yoska, Michelle)

Makes me smile.

Safe travels! <3


  1. if you don’t bill hourly, time tracking is still important. The fact is, if you’re a client services

  2. My parents live along the route and thought it would make a fun evening for my family and for Michelle and Winter. My mom said she would be glad to host them for a night. I wasn't sure if I would make it there but the stars aligned and I got there in the morning and Michelle and Winter got there that
