
Sunday, July 26, 2015

Friends Galore

am one lucky woman... I have friends everywhere.  Since leaving Montana I spent 2 weeks with a friend in Keystone SD. (Anyone (Sturgis peeps) going thru that area, stop by the Keystone Convienent store and tell my bestie, Linda, hi from me).

Then I left there and spent 2 nights on the road and met up with a FB to real life friend Lisa in Wisconsin.  We had a nice relaxing few days.

I met up with a friend of mine, Bethany, from 15 years ago for lunch before leaving Wisconsin.  I was so excited to see her and give her a hug and meet her daughter Abigail.

Spending a night at a Walmart because I need to have a night or two by myself in between people or I get overwhelmed.

Now I am headed to see my very good friend from grad school in Iowa.  She lives in Austria and is in Iowa for a few weeks each summer and I have missed her every summer.  Totally excited to finally be able to see her this year.

Then I will head to my parents house for a few days and will meet up with my friend Michelle who is bicycling across the U.S. with her friend Winter.  So happy I can help them along their way.  They are raising money for Pathways.  Will tell you more about them when I meet up with them in a few days.

I have some renovation plans for TicTac while at my parents house... Quite excited.  My brother will be at my parents house which is exciting since I haven't seen him since Christmas 2012.

Then I'll be off to another friends house after that.  Haven't made it to Michigan to see my good friend Renee... Or Kansas City to see my BFF, Angie... I hope they will still love me by the time I get there. ;) Sending them much love and I know I will get to them at some point.

A life on the road doesn't have to be lonely.  Loving every moment!

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