
Monday, July 6, 2015

Home, home on the road

I am so happy to be back where I belong... Nowhere.  Yoska is doing great on the road.  The first day out we road from Virginia City Montana to Gillette Wyoming.  We visited a FB friend and her 4 dogs.  Yoska had a blast and so did I.

Then I headed to Keystone SD.  Rode part of the way with some other bikers and then headed off by myself.  Not quite sure where I was going since I just glanced at the route.  I accidentally went down the Iron Mountain (16A) from Mt Rushmore to Custer before I realized I wasn't getting any closer to Keystone.  Not quite what I like to do with TicTac in tow but I did it.  

I finally found my way to Keystone where I will spend a couple days with a good friend and her 2 dogs. Yoska is one happy dog with his friends.  Makes me happy to see him so happy.

We drove my friend's truck to Sturgis... Best time to go since there was next to no one around. We stopped at the motorcycle museum and Full Throttle Saloon.  I'm quite happy just having someone to joke around with and hang out with.  This is what I love about being on the road... Getting to spend time with the family I created.  What I love even more is Yoska being accepted and how he gets so many friends to play with.  Life is good!

1 comment:

  1. Just what you needed after the hassles in MT. I really hate it that you had those bad experiences in what is my favorite state. I lived there in the 90s and loved it, but there is a definite feeling of native or near-native Montanans that all outsiders are to be pushed away. It all began when there was a rush of Californians who decided MT would be perfect and cheaper to live in -- until they were there for the first full winter. Anyway, those folks who drove up property prices and taxes and then turn over like marbles.. they sort of gave all out-of-stater a bad name for many in MT. I'm just happy to read how happy you and Yoska have been on the road.
