
Saturday, September 26, 2015

Settling In

Sorry I have been such a slacker.  Started working at Amazon a month ago and feeling like I am finally settling in for a bit.  It is much harder for me to get any sort of privacy in the east.  I hit the Mississippi River and the world changes for me.  Out west I get a question here and there but generally don't feel completely invaded.  East of the Mississippi I feel completely invaded and exhausted.  People asking questions, invading my space, and then telling me how I should do things.  Drives me a bit crazy but after a while I can mute it out.

Last week I had a random man look in thru the back of TicTac while I was inside... Said he never saw the inside of one of these trailers before... I was just in shock.  I'm at a campground and camping minding my own business and he felt it was ok to 1. Come into my space and 2. Look in.  He could of caught me changing my clothes and have quite the view.

The first week I was here I dealt with some intense discrimination that escalated into the owner of the campground I was staying at physically threatening me and my home.  I had to call the police.  Ridiculous!

In a couple weeks I have 2 special people that will be here and it will begin to feel like home.  Relaxing this weekend with my Yoska love.

For all you Yoska fans I decided Yoska's birthday will be 9/29 since I got him on 5/29 and they said he was 8 months old.  You can go to my FB page and send your love to him Tuesday at  Also, if you want to give a gift, any donations to BlueRoad that day will be set aside for anything Yoska needs or desires... Food, toys, medical needs, etc.  I have to work that day but will post some pics and such of our morning together.  Can't believe he's been my Travel buddy for 4 months already.  Love that boy!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my God, wow, that is so freaking rude - just come right on up to my spot, Buddy, and peer in the window! Being from the east coast, I can say we are not all like that, thankfully. And what ws up with the campground owner?? Good Lord! I'm so sorry it's been a rough settling in, so far, but hopefully it will get better from here on out. It has to, right?

    How are all the renovations to tic tac working out now that you've been sitting in one place for a while? Anything you would change?
