
Friday, September 4, 2015

TicTac Renovations

I'm almost complete with the TicTca renovations so I thought I would share.  I'll do a video when everything is finished.

My mom and dad were a huge help and the space is Fabulous!!  Quite enjoying this new version of TicTac.

Here are a couple of photos to give you an idea.

This year I am staying a few months working for Amazon as Camperforce so I brought my tent for TicTac with me.  I have always had a tent but rarely travel with it.  It's big and bulky when packed up.  

My mom sewed the screen tent for the hatch.  I am in love with it!  I can lay in the comfort of TicTac and have a nice breeze and view.

My dad and I took out the cabinets and shelf in the back to open up TicTac... Loving it!!... And so is Yoska.

I did a big purge of stuff and things are finding their home. 

That is mainly food storage in the above picture with a few other items... 

Many exciting things happening this fall.  Just have to go thru a quite huge hurdle at the moment but I always say one step backwards just gives me a running start to leap forward.

Yoska making himself at home.  Love that boy!!


  1. Tic tac is looking more spacious & very luminous, good for U & little Yoska; by the way, why is Yoska wearing a pelvic brace ?

    My regards, Lucy.

  2. What a fabulous space! Look forward to the video.

  3. Yay for your mom and that hatch screen -- very clever. And the tent is a great accessory. Since you'll be in one place for so long, I'm sure you are going to really enjoy it. I hope your Amazon work is in a warm location.

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