
Monday, November 2, 2015

3 years and a quick update

I just had my 3 year anniversary of being on the road.  Time goes by so quickly!

It was a cold, wet start 3 years ago.  Many adventures, people and learning experiences.

Having a good time here in Kentucky.  My friends have all been arriving to work and it is great to see familiar faces and have 2 of my favorite people here to hang out with.

Getting cooler but not too bad.  We are still seeing the sun every few days so that helps a lot.

Michelle carved 2 pumpkins I absolutely love!

Also had a evening of dying my hair. 😄

We are glamping it out this year with RV friends letting us borrow a few items.  We have more of a kitchen then I have had in some of the apartments I use to live in.

Not much else going on here.  Sorry for the delay in posting... have quite the full schedule with work and the busy season upon us... Hopefully some 50 to 60 hour weeks ahead to make some money for winter travels.

More to come soon.


  1. Happy 3 years anniversary to living the dream! -Kristina

  2. Congrats on your 3 yrs. !!


  3. love the hair. love the weather.

    ice cream. raz

  4. Congratulations!
    Great artwork :-)

  5. Congrats on the three years and the hair looks great! I'm seriously considering going on the road eventually with a teardrop, and it's mainly due to you! Thank you for inspiring me.
